During the 4 days 3 nights stay in Bangkok, so many sweet experiences that I could not forget.. Among them are.. KWP race Amazing Race... explore Bangkok.. shopping at some shopping malls... and explore various goods selling at Chatuchak. In my opinion, Bangkok (also known as Krung Thep in the local language) is a progressive and growing city... It's even more developed than Kuala Lumpur, our capital country, Malaysia... Bangkok residents are friendly as well ...
On 18 Sept 2011, our delegation flew back to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)... Leaving the city known for its title "City of Sex". This may due to too much of prostitution activities in the city. There are many massage houses as well as local who work as agents of prostitution! Taxi drivers, hotel workers are also involved as an agent! Turun dari teksi.. lima orang bapa ayam offer khidmat 'ayam' mereka.... they mention that "we got original girl... and not boy-girl"... hahaha... very funny.. wanna know the price?? As low as $500 bath (RM50)! Nak khidmat lebih, kena la bayar lebih beb... hehehe.. Forget about it... i am not interesting.. nda pasal² kana penyakit nanti.. perrghhh.. palis-palis..
After finished our breakfast on our last day... Our bus fetched us to the airport.. (as usual nothing interesting on this part).
Err... my story points only begin at the airport.... The bad experience..
Not sure what the problem is.. but, seem like the scanner detected some "weird objects" inside my bag.. aiseh... ape hal pulak nie... takkan bawa Maggi cup pun salah..
Me: "Any problem?"
The officer: "No, Sir.. please follow me Sir."
At this time... the officer starts to check my bag... she took out one-by-one my stuffs inside the bag.. yang bikin panas bila tu officer kasi kuar satu-satu barang dari dlm bag.. belum lagi habis kuar.. dia pigi scan.. lps tu, ada kena detected lg kunun.. kena check lagi balik tu bag.. kasi kuar lagi barang2 sikit.. apsal la pompuan nie tak keluarkan semua barangan aku dari dlm beg tu.. Then, I ask the officer.. "Why not you take out all my belonging from inside the bag.. then, you can scan my bag"... the officer answer me.. "Never mind Sir.."
What inside my mind is... teringat laporan buruk dalam internet mengenai airport Bangkok... it's the story about someone who bought something from duty free shop.. then, the sales person give the buyer some "free gifts"... after the buyer exit the shop... the police officer arrested him.. and claim that the buyer steal the "free gift".. the buyer denied about it.. bla.. bla.. bla.. after a long story... they actually ask for money if you want to be freed!!!! aiseyman..... jangan la aku jadi mcm kes ni.. kene suruh byr setakat rm50 tu aku okay lagi.. tp kalau kena paw sampai rm50,000... mane nak cari duit weii.. aku ni bukan org berada.. taraf orang kebanyakan jer.. huhuhu.
I felt like a criminal when they check my bag for five times!!! lima kali kuar masuk tu mesin scanner !!! arrrghhh.... dalam bag aku tu ada Samsung Galaxy Tab, camera Canon dslr.. selipar jipun.. Maggi cup.. medal amazing race and pensil hotel yang aku 'curi'.. What are they looking for?? Perhaps, someone letak dadah dlm bag aku tu..?? matai la kalau betul.. tp sepanjang masa, beg tu ada dgn aku.. impossible.. very impossible.. I try to calm down... rileks.. berdoa teda apa2 yg buruk terjadi.. you see, bagus-bagus teda buat kesalahan.. tp ntah la.. tu perasaan bersalah tetap ada.. maka, jadi la orang bersalah... hahahaha.
I saw two or three officers discussing... in Thai language of coz.. so, I can't undertstand what they talking about.. But, I know they were talking about me... ni yang buat aku tak puas hati.. dah la check bag aku mcm aku ni penjenayah.. mengumpat pula dalam bahasa Thai.. weeii.. kalau berani ckp la English.. baru sama-sama faham.. Once again I ask the officer.. "Execuse me, any problem with my bag?"... the officer answer my question.. "No sir.... no problem.. just missunderstanding.. sorry sir.. you are free to go sir".
hah... mcm tu jer..??? You said it is just a missunderstanding??? are you crazy or what.???? korang tak tau macam mane susah hati aku nie... adoyai... tanpa membuang masa, aku angkat bag... terus blah... jangan tunggu lama beb.. kene officer tu ubah fikiran... hah, makin panjang pula drama bersiri nie.. !!
Langsung tak faham apa yg ditulis... Yang kami faham cuma number flight FD3573 and masa nk berlepas je.. |
And, tepat pukul 12.05pm (local time).... pesawat AsiaAsia membawa kami terbang kembali ke tanah air tercinta Malaysia.
** fuhhh... finally, abis jugak drama bersiri aku nie... hehehehe.
Dorang tidak minta maaf sama ko kah bro lepas durang bongkar-bongkar bag ko? Astagaa, buruknya service durang ni!
Just take it as an experience so you know what to do or what to expect next time :)
I hope one day I can go to Bangkok also...hehe
sis Wyne: Ada jg dorang say sorry ba, tp bikin suspen btl time tu... saturang check sya punya bag.. lps tu, 2 urang lg guard sya kunun.
sya punya member saturang lg pula kena tahan imigresen psl pasport dia.. ntah apa problem.. klu nda silap sbb pasport dia teda chop "keluar Thailand" time dia pigi Phuket.
Sumandak: Bangkok mmg best.. nanti ada masa sya mau bawa tu sya punya darling pigi sana. :)
Ya, mungkin karena itu
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